Stop trying to look up Jennifer Aniston's short skirt! LOL...just joking. Jennifer Aniston is in the UK this week to promote her new perfume sarcastically named Lovalie. Yesterday night while on her way to the restaurant C London she got out of her car in a short skirt and the rest is kind of self explanatory. Thankfully you cannot actually see her old dusty, unloved vagina. Based on the way she repels men who dates her there is probably something seriously wrong with it. I wonder if Aniston is flattered that the paparazzi are still trying to photogragh her beaver? And the name of the perfume makes perfect sense if you break the word down: "Lovalie" or "Lov-A-Lie". This is why she can't keep a man. Even she doesn't believe in love anymore. But is she saying love is a lie or is she saying you should love a lie? Wow, just something to think about while you look up her skirt. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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